Friday, September 23, 2011

Baby on Board :)

So I've got a baby on board and I need to write about it! I've been reluctant to write about the baby just because I've been nervous, but as of yesterday we have seen the baby twice and heard a very strong heart rate twice so I'm feeling better about it.

Well were hard earned by mommy and daddy! I have poly cystic ovarian syndrome and with big brother I only had to take metf.ormin to assist in becoming pregnant. This time we had some secondary infertility. The alone was not enough! So, we sought the help of Dr. A in Cincinnati. He is a fertility specialist who has helped many of my friends and he was well worth the drive to Cincinnati a few times per month. We began seeing Dr. A in April (after three failed rounds of cl.omid) and by August we were expecting a sweet baby. Our success happened via fema.ra, ovidr.el and iui. Our iui occurred on July 28th and I got my first positive home pregnancy test on August 9th. Daddy, nana, and Opa were so excited. On August 11th I had a blood test which showed a HCG level of 27. This number was pretty low and I was very very worried. A week later the HCG level had risen to 312. Because the numbers doubled appropriately Dr. A felt like everything was good. I felt a little bit relieved but I knew that we wouldn't feel real relief until the ultrasound which wasn't for another THREE WEEKS!!
During week 6 of my pregnancy we packed up and went on vacation to Hilton Head. This was timed perfectly with mommy starting to not feel good! We had a great time though and it was a great way to get my mind off of the wait.
On September 12th at 12:45 our wait was over and there was our little peanut on the ultrasound monitor. Heart beating fast and furious at 140 bpm and a due date of April 21st 2012!! What a relief!!! On our drive home we made a bunch of phone calls to spread the good news. We mainly only told our families and closest friends at this point. Everyone was very excited for us and for C to become a big brother! A few days after this ultrasound we sat down with C and told him that he was going to become a big brother. We explained that God had decided that he wanted our family to have another baby and so he has put a growing baby in mommy's belly. Well, at first C said, "I don't want to be a big brother." Mommy and Daddy just kept talking to him about it and we showed him the ultrasound picture and we really felt like he grasped the concept that there is something growing in mommy's belly. He brings the baby up pretty regularly and asks to see the baby's picture all the time. I can't wait to show him the ultrasound pictures as the baby grows.
On September 22nd I had my first appointment with my regular doctor, Dr. C. She is the same doctor that delivered C. We looooove her. The ultrasound went so well! We had one wiggly, cute little baby in there measuring perfectly with a heart rate of 174 bpm. Mommy couldn't help but cry as I watched my baby on the screen moving around, waving it's little arms and legs. It was such a special moment that I will treasure forever. At this appointment we were 9 weeks, 6 days.
So we have a second tiny life on the way and we could not be more thrilled and anxious to meet him or her. Boy or doesn't matter (although a girl would be nice). We are just so greatful for this gift from God. God will be with us every step of the way...what a miracle He is giving us!